Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I love independence day.

Today, we drove up the canyon and had a big picnic with almost the whole family (cousins, grandparents, etc) and had a lot of fun.

I had ribs. I like ribs.

Food and family are great, but I'm glad I had a chance today to reflect what Independence day is really about. And not just cause I've watched the movie about 8 times now.

I came home from the picnic and saw the fireworks presentation from NY on TV. I was reminded of the power music and media can have on your emotions and thoughts. Seeing those fireworks shot to the tunes of many patriotic songs reminded me about how blessed I am to be an American.

It reminded me on how wonderfully diverse this country is, and yet how united we are.

Don't get me wrong, we've got quite a few scary problems.

But, I was reminded that they are our problems, making them special. Its like that really weird friend we all have. They may be a weirdo, but they're YOUR weirdo. And no one ever, EVER messes with them. You're the only one allowed to pick on them.

We may squabble and fight. Corruption and greed may run rampant. Pornography ravages the land. Drugs claim younger and younger victims. We have a lot of darkness.

But we also have a lot of light. In the darkest night shines the brightest light. There are so many people in America that dedicate their lives to making good.

And no matter what the problems, when we're threatened by an outside source, someone who wants to hurt OUR America, we take them out.

As long as we love this country, and love OUR America, we'll always be able to stand. As long as when the armies of anywhere attack, and we stay loyal, we'll be ok.

We may be diverse, opinionated, and different, but thats what makes us special. When diversity likes that unites, it's unstoppable.

So lets remember, that even though America isn't perfect, and not everybody likes the government, and the economy sucks, its still OUR America, and we should be proud of it.

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